No time to work out… really?

No time to work out… really?

You are reading this article from some sort of screen so letʼs start this workout by doing a quick posture check. If you are at a desk, are you sitting up tall? Is your monitor, keyboard and seat at the right height? Are you hunched over, straining all the muscles in your neck if you are reading this from a tablet or phone? Now that we have got that sorted, let’s begin… The following tips are for men and women, whether you are an office worker or stay-at-home parent. This might not be your typical routine but you can see how easy it is to incorporate ʻmovement minutesʼ into your busy day. Wake up stretch – 30 seconds x 7 days = 3.5 minutes Boil the kettle bench push ups – 3 minutes x 7 days = 15 minutes Pre-breakfast skipping (no rope needed) – 1-2 minutes x 7 days = 7-14 minutes  Brushing Teeth quad wall holds – 4 minutes morning & night x 7 days = 28 minutes Bus/Tram/Train pace while you are waiting for transport – 4 minutes x 5 days = 20 minutes Always use stairs not lifts and walk up escalators – 1-2 minutes x 5 days = 5-10 minutes Lunchtime window shopping without cash/credit card – 15 minutes x 5 days = 75 minutes Office Chair posture checks. Tie a piece of wool or hat elastic around your waist…so it tightens when you slouch. This will serves as a gentle reminder to sit correctly – belly button drawn into your spine. Youʼll be amazed at the results and, it will help lose centimetres from your waistline – hours School pick up step ups. Use gutters for some toe-tapping moves – 2 minutes x 5 days = 10 minutes Traffic light pelvic floor exercises every time you stop at a red light. Boys, I know this is an embarrassing subject but last time I researched there were also incontinence pads for men so, this includes you! The sensation we are looking for is similar to walking into cold water (I am lead to believe!) – hours Supermarket Trolley resistance training. When you first arrive at the supermarket load your trolley with a couple of boxes of bottled water (return to the shelves before paying at the checkout). Push that heavy trolley around the aisles (btw…have you noticed that all the ʻhealthierʼ food in supermarkets is around the edges so perhaps you should be avoiding the aisles?) – 15 minutes x 2 days = 30 minutes After School Action. Practice what you preach and get moving like the kids. If they are at netball training, walk around the court. If itʼs a footy match, even better: ovals are...

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Gardening Fitness

Gardening Fitness

Thereʼs a Chinese proverb: If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, get married and, if you want happiness for a lifetime, take up gardening! For a lifetime of garden happiness you need to look after yourself as you would a treasured plant with regular watering, shade protection (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen & gloves), compost (nutritious food & snacks). Keeping fit for all four seasons also means itʼs essential to follow a regular fitness program. Gardening tasks vary and involve a range of muscle groups so gentle stretching before and after each session is imperative. Find a patch of grass in the sunshine and, if you have a yoga mat, use it. Sturdy outdoor furniture easily converts into an outdoor gymnasium. Chairs can be used for step-ups, bench seats for tricep dips, a table for push-ups. If you are needing ideas or inspiration itʼs worth employing a personal trainer who specialises in outdoor fitness & body weight training for advice. They will write a specific training program catering to your needs and ensure your equipment and technique is correct…by the way, I’m available!. Avoid repetitive strain injuries by alternating jobs every 20-30 minutes. For example follow weeding with pruning, raking with pushing wheelbarrows. If you are shovelling soil, alternate both sides of your body equally – be sure to change the ‘digging’ foot regularly. Protect your knees when kneeling by using a foam pad or an old cushion. When lifting (whether it’s a small pot or a heavy bag of manure) protect your lower back and always be mindful of your movements: keep objects as close to your waist as possible bend from the hips and knees (not the waist), maintain the natural curve of the lower back (neutral spine) tighten abdominal muscles – draw your belly button in towards your spine – exhale on exertion placing feet wider apart will improve stability Get rid of that leaf blower (use a rake or broom) and sell the ride on mower. Power to manual labour – guzzle up those calories! After a day in the garden be sure to sit back (grab a glass of h2o) and enjoy the fruits of your...

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